Keep track of all your customer files with lab event

Have you ever felt that your customer files were in disarray, that you couldn’t keep track of them efficiently, or that you were missing important information? If so, you’re not alone. Keeping track of customer files can be a real headache for companies, especially when business is brisk. And this is particularly true in the events sector!

However, there are solutions to help you manage your customer files more effectively. One of these is the use of customer file management software such as Lab Event.

Lab Event allows you to centralize all your customer files in one place, with all important information such as customer contact details, e-mail exchanges, telephone calls, quotations and invoices. You can easily add new information and track the complete history of each file.

What’s more, Lab Event lets you create tasks and reminders for each file, so you can keep track of important deadlines and never miss a single piece of information or action. You can also assign tasks to other team members for greater collaboration.


Contact client et tache, logiciel lab event

Lab Event also lets you filter and sort your customer files according to various criteria, such as file status, due date or project type. This enables you to quickly see which files have priority and make the appropriate decisions.

Finally, thanks to the statistics provided by Lab Event, you can get an overall view of the status of your customer files, find out how long each business step takes on average, and identify sticking points in your process.”


In conclusion, if you want to keep track of all your customer files and never miss another deadline or important piece of information, Lab Event is the ideal solution for your business. Don’t hesitate to try it out and take advantage of all its benefits.

Take your event management to the next level!