checklist événementielle

What is a checklist?


You are an event professional and you want to be well organized during your working day. Among the indispensable tools for your business such as an event CRM, an ERP (enterprise resource planning), a shared calendar; the checklist becomes essential, but what is it?

A checklist is a document on which you will write a list of important actions or tasks that you need to do to follow up an event.

Its use aims at making everything run smoothly and serenely. The checklist makes it possible to verify before the event that the organization is on the right track and during the event, that the material is in place at a given time and that the various stages planned are being carried out correctly.

Indeed, not forgetting anything helps to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary stress.

How to create an effective checklist?


From the pre-planning stage to the logistics on the event day, there are many steps to successful monitoring. You need to make sure that you turn the different items you need to track into to-do’s on a list to help you find your way around. The detail of the actions for your event is important in order to situate you in time and to have an overview of where you are, at each moment.

1/ First of all, you will have to define the purpose of your event and its outlines:

What are the business, marketing and communication objectives to be reached, what are the messages to be conveyed, what is the target audience and the ideal number of guests, define the type of event, set the date, choose the venue, decide on the allocated budget, define the KPIs to analyze the ROI of the event, create a retro-planning until the D-day.

2/ Then you will have to define the program of the event: its name, the concept, the course, the speakers, the animations, the restoration

3/ After this step, you will have to communicate about the event. For that, you will have to think about different elements: the logo, the graphic charter, the invitations, the communication supports such as the program, the flyer, a press kit, the Save the date email.

4/ Then we will have to take care of the logistics and the technical aspects: the plan of the room, the setting up, the sound system, the lighting, the screens, etc

5/ And the last step of preparation concerns the welcoming of your guests on the D-day: print badges, plan hostesses, plan gifts to give at the end of the event.


Create the perfect checklist for your event

What would an event be without an extensive to-do list?

With Lab Event, the first ERP /CRM software dedicated to the event industry, you will be able to keep a global vision on your projects by creating your own checklists and retroplannings.

A tool that will make all the difference in organizing your event, as you will be able to create templates that you will be able to reuse in the following events.