crm restaurant

Optimize your management with a restaurant CRM

The adoption of a CRM is a significant advantage in the context of digitalization and optimization of restaurant management. This type of software provides a range of tools to improve management at multiple levels. What features can we expect from a restaurant CRM and what are the advantages?


The functionalities of a restaurant CRM

A CRM software oriented on the management of a restaurant generally embeds a wide variety of specifically optimized features. These are designed to facilitate and improve management on several levels.

Customer management

Customer relationship management is the main function of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. This type of program has been designed to facilitate the follow-up of customers in the sales tunnel, but also to ensure their satisfaction after their purchase. A restaurant CRM is designed in the same way, and aims to ensure the best experience to each consumer who visits your tables. This software allows you to collect essential information about your customers, but also to manage your loyalty programs.

Supplier management

This aspect is also important in the restaurant business, as it can affect the availability of your products and ingredients. The prices offered by your suppliers can also affect the profit margin you can generate. The Suppliers section of a restaurant CRM allows you to manage your suppliers and your relationships with them. For example, you can consider asking for a price reduction with the argument of seniority, strengthen your relationship with a particular supplier or consider new collaborations.

Logistics management

A restaurant CRM also allows you to manage the multiple aspects of the real estate in which you operate. Management ranges from rent expenses to fixtures and fittings, from scheduling maintenance work to parking rights. The management of electricity bills, internet and human resources is not left out, and can be integrated into the software. Some solutions can offer the automation of various tasks or a reminder function for deadlines.

The marketing and sales components

On this aspect, a restaurant CRM allows you to manage commercial actions such as sales, sampling and the prices of your menu. This parameter is an advantage in terms of management, and allows you to offer more consistent dishes and services based on concrete indicators.

This type of software can also integrate marketing management, from awareness campaigns to customer retention and acquisition. These communication campaigns can generally be implemented through various physical and digital media. We can cite among other media, illuminated signs, signs and boards, but also websites, Google My Business cards or social networks.

What are the advantages of a restaurant CRM?

The adoption of a restaurant CRM allows your establishment to stand out from the competition thanks to digital management and communication. It also provides a better competitiveness to your establishment.

A better competitiveness

A restaurant CRM software is immediately an asset in terms of competitiveness thanks to its digitalized management tools. Its functionalities allow an advanced management of several aspects of your activity, as well as an optimization of your management and your productivity. Digitalization also brings a new dimension to restaurant management and considerably facilitates organizational tasks. The marketing and commercial tools do not fail to contribute to the strengthening of your relationship with your customers, but also to the promotion of your notoriety.

Better management

According to statistics, 70% of new French restaurants close their doors after 2 years of operation. Such a situation results among others from a bad management or a lack of competitiveness. A restaurant CRM is a significant success lever, thanks to the range of management tools it offers. From human resources management, to pricing, to relations with suppliers or logistics, every aspect of management can be optimized to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency. The centralization of these tools on a single interface also facilitates the use of your CRM without requiring special skills.

A complement to digital marketing

The adoption of a restaurant CRM is an excellent complement to digital marketing, especially since this type of software can integrate a communication campaign management component. Digital marketing represents a considerable potential for the promotion of your brand through the web. This communication strategy uses multiple media, such as websites, social networks and blogs. It also allows you to strengthen the loyalty of your customers, and to convert them into influencers for your restaurant.

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