Functionality included in the ENTERPRISE offer
Manage your external users with the Mini-Site extension
Mini Site Lab Event

A platform accessible to all external users

barre de séparation - Lab Event

The Mini-Site is a platform entirely dedicated to all your external users: staff, customer, provider…
From this platform, you can communicate all the information related to your events to your external users and thus better manage the organization of your events!


barre de séparation - Lab Event


Access for all your external users


A customizable, reusable, secure and reliable platform


A collaborative management of your events


Invite all your external users

Depending on your events created on Lab Event, you can associate one or more external users and choose the service that will be assigned.

Fully customize your Mini-Site

Mini-sites are built using mini-sites templates. They allow you to create fully customized pages according to the roles assigned.

Display the information you want, hide the elements you want and build your own widgets to get the perfect design !

Role utilisateurs externes

Assign roles to your external users

Allow your external users to have access to all the information about your events on a platform specially created for them!

Depending on the role assigned to your external users, you allow them to interact directly with you: accepting requests, organizing availability, viewing event pages…

Simply indicate the location of your events

Share automatically the location and address of your events thanks to the widget map connected with Google Map and Waze.

Création événement
Start managing your external users with the Mini-Site extension!

Client’s testimonials :

barre de séparation - Lab Event


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